What is International Marketing Group (IMG)?

What is International Marketing Group (IMG)?

International Marketing Group or IMG is a financial organization aiming to build a new financial industry through its global campaign for financial literacy.

IMG is in the business of promoting financial education in a massive scale. While the current financial industry (most of them) are focused on selling financial products and targeting wealthy clients, IMG focuses on sharing simple financial concepts that are easy to understand without complicated financial jargon making it understandable to ordinary people (particularly middle income individuals) who have been overlooked by the current financial industry.

Not only that IMG educates people about financial concepts but also implements solutions by having partnered with a wide array of financial institutions from healthcare, life and non-life insurances to investments in liquid and real assets.

Once you become part of IMG, it’s members are entitled the following benefits:

IMG Benefit #1: Continuous Financial Education

IMG is also one of the (if not the only) few companies educating Filipinos abroad. Filipinos are scattered all over the world due to our hard-working nature.

We send money in the Philippines for our families and have made OFW remittances as one of the pillars of our economy. The challenge is that while OFW’s are sending money to the country, most families behind have been mismanaging their hard-earned money.

IMG has been one of the solutions to these families, educating OFW’s the importance of saving and educating the families that are left here in the Philippines.

Thus, IMG has operations in many major countries like Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan, Macau, Middle East, US, Canada, Europe and going worldwide.

IMG Benefit #2: Access to Financial Products and Discounts on certain Investments and Services

One of the challenges for most Filipinos is: “Education without Execution”and IMG has been the solution. IMG provides an environment of positive people, savings and investment-driven community and an environment where people can have confidence in planning for their financial future.

Discounts include but not limited to:

Access to long-term healthcare

Access to cheapest term life insurance

Zero Entry fee on Mutual Fund Investments

Discounts on motor/car, travel and house non-life insurance

Rebates on real estate purchase

Access to estate planning services

and more (see all membership benefits here)

IMG Benefit #3: Earn Additional Source of Income

IMG also offers a business career as financial educators, where people can earn extra income by helping families understand basic finance.

Unlike the traditional agents, IMG associates are trained to be entrepreneurs having the freedom of their time, can work on a freelance or full-time basis, no quota, can build a big business locally and internationally with no territorial limits, no demotion and have vesting rights over their portfolio of clients.

Every associates are equipped with proper training: classroom, field training, advance schools, product training and with local & international conventions.

IMG Benefit #4: Travel

Since IMG members are scattered around the globe, conventions are normally held quarterly to gather all IMG members.

It is usually held in and outside the Philippines like Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan, Malaysia, Macau or Thailand. Major conventions are also held in the U.S. for qualified IMG members.

With IMG, not only can you travel for fun, but also for continuous learning.

In summary…

International Marketing Group (IMG) is like a school where people can access financial training and lectures. IMG is an investment, by having partnered with different financial institutions, one can invest in a diversified portfolio of financial products and services. Lastly, IMG is a business where one can be a financial educator/trainer and earn by helping people save and invest the right way.

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