..Finally! A Do-It-Yourself financial independence Bible to BUILDING your own wealth!

Do You Want to Set Yourself on the Right Road to Financial Freedom?

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Get P100,000 + Worth of BENEFITS for FREE!
Including The Opportunity To gain FINANCIAL
INDEPENDENCE, & live a RICH and FREE Life!

A little over 27 years ago, two young gentlemen started working in the same company. The first man graduated from one of the top universities in the country. The other didn’t graduate from a very good school and was even kicked out from college.

They were very much alike. Full of passion. Huge dream.

Both had put their heart to their work. They were both personable--as other workers of the company are--were filled with audacious goals for their own families.

Fast to forward to 27 years later...

They were still very much alike. Both were happily married. And both, as it turned out, had gone to different endeavours. Still with the same passion and dreams.

But there was a difference.

One of the men still works for the same company. The other put up his own and now is one of the BIG threes in a multimillion company here in the Philippines.

The Difference Maker

Have you ever wondered why a lot of people go to school for 4-5 years? And after 4-5 years work for a company. And yet after 4-5 years, they still don’t change their lives?

It’s not that other people want success while others don't.

With all the information that’s within our reach, there are things that don’t matter.

It doesn’t matter who you are. It doesn’t matter what your background is. What matters is what you do with that kind of information that you have.

We’re not against a good degree. As a matter of fact it helps. But for us, the degree is not going to guarantee.

And that is why we’re writing to you and to people like you. To tell you that wherever you are in your life right now, you can still go to where you want to be.

There is hope. The power lies in you.

If You Lost Your Job Today, How Long Would You Survive?

Imagine this with us..

You’re comfortably working for a company for 25 years. And then one day, your boss comes to you and suddenly tells you…

“This is your last day.”

How disastrous could that be?

Imagine if you lost your job. You lost your source of income.

How can you provide for your family? How can you pay for your bills? With all the responsibilities at hand!

This is the exact thing that happened to this lovely couple Benj and Fely.

Benj is a mechanical engineer while Fely is an industrial engineer. Both of them worked in the semiconductor industry for over 25 years and had senior management positions.

From being managers, supervisors and even director level!

They were earning very well. But they also spent very well. (Gastos dito gastos diyan).

That got them into debts. Can you guess how much?

...a whopping seven figure debts! Oh and not to mention all kinds of loans.

Name it, they had it!

What could have possibly gone wrong? It is this...

Spending their money they even haven’t earned yet.

And that got them into the rat race cycle.

Work hard. Pay bills. Spend. Borrow money. Work hard.

Is this familiar with you?

Money Can Work for You or Against You

“Debt is money working against us”- Benj

It was only later did they realize they were already buried in a quagmire of debt.

This went on and on for more than a decade. There were many sleepless nights!

Could you imagine how stressful and frustrating that was for them?

Fely recalled one night when she was down on her knees. She was desperate that God would take them out of this mess.

Later on, they lost their 6-figure income. Ouch!

All while having two of their children studying in La Salle.

There is Hope. Money Can Work for You.

Fast forward to today…

Benj and Fely are now financially free!

They are holding senior executive vice chairman positions at IMG.

They travel around the Philippines and the world to teach as many Filipinos how to save and invest correctly, and how to get out of bad debts.

They are actively leading a team of financial coaches. When they joined IMG in 2010,
They are now present in more than 23 countries, helping families achieve financial freedom and teaching people how to create wealth for their families.

How to Move from Debt to Life

Now, you’re probably asking these questions...What happened? What did they do differently?

Here’s the thing...

They had to humble themselves. That has led them to seek mentoring.

What seemed to be a tragedy, came out to be their greatest blessing!

They started their advocacy of financial literacy when they were introduced to the International Marketing Group (IMG).

Their learnings and realizations from that seminar ignited their deepest passion and mission to spread financial literacy in every Filipino family.

“We were transformed from spenders, to savers, to investors to entrepreneurs. “- Benj Santiago

And you know what’s the most important thing they did?

...investing in their financial education!

Financial Independence Does Not Have to be Hard or Mysterious - The Simple Path to Wealth will Make this Clear

FACT: Most financial industries are inclined to keep things complex so that you’ll pay them insanely high fees.

You are much better off doing it yourself and it is really quite simple.

It's not an easy task to go against all the financial pressures around you...

...eliminating your debt.

...spending less than you earn.

....overcoming the emotional inner self that discourages you to be frugal.

And not spend and stay out of debt but save and put money in financial instruments that help YOUR wealth to grow.

Agreeing or not...It is the only path to financial freedom. It’s up to you, it’s your choice!

If You Want to be Wealthy, Don’t let Other
People Do it for You. Do it for Yourself.

Here's what most people never seem to get...

It is better, and more interesting if you are the boss of money where money works for you, rather than breaking your back in working for the money. Do you agree?

However, this leads you to this difficulty...

...in order for money to work for you, you must have money

In IMG, we teach people how to make money and make money work for you.

But here’s what most people do…

They spend every single peso in their paychecks, and then run out and charge more on their CREDIT CARDS. Would you agree?

They live from hand to mouth, from paycheck to paycheck, and they never even dream of actually saving not even 10% of what they earn.

But how can you have money if you don't have any money?

Our personal opinion? The key to any financial success is right financial education with action.

No matter how much money you make, money isn't going to simply accumulate in your account. Not unless you purposefully and intentionally set it aside.

Money had a way of disappearing, as you well know.

But here’s what’s even more IMPORTANT…

By SIMPLY understanding how money works.

Sounds simple? It is.

And that’s what you’re about to find out here...

If you think there is another way to "financial freedom," you are simply misleading yourself.

Win the lottery? Gee, how many rich people do you know who became wealthy that way?

Answer: NONE.

Lottery winners usually run out and spend their winnings faster than they come in.

Most people turn this into a sort of middle-class welfare, and wind up as broke as they ever were.

Always Pay Yourself First

How do you want the idea of being financially free?

...that idea of waking up one day without worry of money.

...that day, when you’ll no longer have to think about the next cut off.

...that day when you’re handed your next paycheck because you no longer count the days to each of your payables and monthly dues!

It is possible.

And there’s a way.

Are you having a hard time understanding money? You don't know much about it? Do you have some debts but no savings?

Read on.

There's a surefire plan to learn how to become financially independent as you will ever find.

How Good Are You with Your Finances?

Making ends meet is a challenge for many of us. But hey, we’re NOT ONLY referring to those who are poor.

Allow us to share with you some statictics by the World Bank in collaboration with the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP)...

The results indicate that 55% of respondents in the Philippines report not having enough money to pay for food or basic necessities. Not to mention that 26% say that this is a regular occurrence.

Do you know what’s even more interesting?

Insufficient income is not the only story.

Among other factors are providing financial help to others, overspending, unexpected expenditures due to illness or other emergencies, and lack of planning and budgeting.

Now that hurts!

People Have a Physical Check Up. But No One Ever Gets a Financial Check Up.

People tend to go for a physical check up when they experience physical problems.

A lot of people have financial problems, too! But do they really go for a financial check up??

Here’s the sad truth...

There’s more people sick in the pocket than sick in health.

Chisel this on a stone…

No one else is gonna change your life except you.You have to understand that its your responsibility and not other people's responsibility to change your life.

Changing your life is not about the rich getting richer or the poor getting poorer.

The rich get richer, that’s fine. But the average person has the right to become wealthy, too. And that includes YOU!

And yes there is a way. That is with the right information.

Do it Yourself. Change Your Life. Protect Your Family.

A lot of people are very successful simply because of knowledge.

And that’s what we want to show you..

Our main goal is to educate you. But unless you take charge, you really don’t know what will happen. So we need you to take action.

Don’t worry, we’ll guide you.

Your One-Stop-Shop to Everything You Need to Know on Financial Independence

It doesn’t matter what your background is. Heck, not even your level of education.

What matters is what you do with that kind of information that you have.

So we thought of a way to do it so SIMPLE so that everybody can do it.

So that YOU can do it, too!

And that’s our main advocacy.

We want to help create wealth for families. To make a difference for families so there will be No family left behind.

We are the International Marketing Group (IMG).

We help people Move from Dreaming to Doing. We bring life-changing financial concepts and solutions to middle income individuals and families who are overlooked by the financial industry.

Whether you’re a man or woman, old, young, married, unmarried...Even if you’re buried in debts or simply want to live a free, rich life?

...this will work for you!

With IMG, you’ll discover…

  • How you get educated on all aspects of personal finance...even if you don’t have no idea at all!
  • How to access hundreds of financial products and services.
  • How you can receive training and support to manage your money!
  • How you can save money on various products and services.
  • How you can Earn by sharing their know-how with associates in fast-growing industries!
  • Know how you can become your own money manager and financial educator!

Put these wealth-studded tips to work for you and you can soon eliminate your debts, gain financial independence, and live a RICH and FREE life!

Your Proven Roadmap to Wealth

So how serious are you about getting wealthy? Do you have the discipline to follow the simple "laws of wealth"? If so, when would NOW be a good time to get started?

Anybody can be successful in this business. As long as you follow the system.

You just have to trust the process.

To gain FINANCIAL INDEPENDENCE, & live a RICH and FREE life, click here
